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How a 20 bit address is generated by a 16 bit address ? ? ?
Login Sign Up SHARE QUESTION Twitter Facebook Google+ RELATED TOPICS Science, Engineering, and Technology Technology Electronics Computers Computer Hardware How do I store a 20 bit address in a 16 bit register corresponding to 8086 microprocessors? Want Answers 3 2 ANSWERS Nishant Varma 20 bits cannot be stored in 16 bits. So to generate a 20 bit value, information from 2 registers need to be combined. In 8086 this is done by adding the segment register value offset by 4 bits with value from another register xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0000 + 0000 yyyy yyyy yyyyy yyyy where x represents the bits in segment registers and y represents the bits in the other register. Written 22 Mar . 34 views . Upvote Downvote Comment ...
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